collaborator example sentences

Related (10): partner, associate, coworker, ally, teammate, contributor, accomplice, confederate, comrade, helper

" collaborator" Example Sentences

1. He was accused of being a collaborator with the enemy during the war.
2. She worked closely with her collaborator to finish the project on time.
3. The scientist brought on two collaborators to help with the experiments.
4. The writer found a collaborator to co-author the novel.
5. Many collaborators contributed to the creation of the massive encyclopedia.
6. The artist and choreographer were close collaborators for many years.
7. The director chose an actor he had worked with before as a collaborator on the film.
8. The new project brought together several collaborators from diverse backgrounds and disciplines.
9. The director sought out a cinematographer who was willing to be a creative collaborator.
10. The composer brought on a lyricist to collaborate and write the lyrics for the songs.
11. Their academic collaboration led to multiple published papers together.
12. The researcher chose undergraduate students as collaborators on the study.
13. The business partners proved to be excellent collaborators and complemented each other's strengths.
14. The designer and fabricator were close collaborators who worked well together.
15. Without her many collaborators, the project would not have been possible.
16. The singer searched for a songwriter who could be a creative collaborator.
17. She invited other artists to collaborate and be co-creators on the installation.
18. The blogger found other writers to collaborate and contribute content to the website.
19. The chef collaborated with a pastry chef to create a special dessert menu.
20. The tech startup required collaborators who were technically skilled and innovative.
21. The architect collaborated with engineers, builders, and artists on the project.
22. Their frequent collaborations led to several award-winning films.
23. The researcher brought on several graduate students to collaborate on the grant-funded project.
24. His political collaborators helped shape his platform for the election campaign.
25. The novelist sought out an editor to collaborate on refining the manuscript.
26. The musicians toured as collaborators and performed songs they wrote together.
27. Her collaborators helped bring her vision for the mural to life.
28. The software engineers served as collaborators and co-developed the new product.
29. The dancer found a composer who could serve as a creative collaborator and musical partner.
30. The professor invited graduate students to collaborate on research projects.
31. The photographer collaborated with stylists, makeup artists, and hairdressers on the shoots.
32. Several companies collaborated as partners on the development of the new technology.
33. The scientists worked as close collaborators for many years, publishing numerous research papers together.
34. The graphic designer looked for an illustrator who could serve as a collaborator on the project.
35. Their collaborations resulted in groundbreaking research in their field.
36. The playwright invited actors to read and provide feedback on early drafts of the script.
37. The recent collaboration produced their best work to date.
38. The entrepreneurs served as collaborators and co-founded the company together.
39. Historians continue to debate about whether he truly was a collaborator with the enemy.
40. Their musical collaborations have earned them multiple Grammy Award nominations.
41. The writer found illustrations to further enhance the message delivered by the text.
42. The scientists actively sought out collaborators from other universities for the project.
43. The museum exhibition invited many local artists to collaborate.
44. The cookbook author collaborated with a food photographer for the photos.
45. New collaborators joined the network as it continued to expand.
46. Critics accused the politician of being a collaborator with the opposition.
47. The screenwriter brought in other writers to help rewrite parts of the script.
48. They formed a productive partnership and collaboratively created many works of art.
49. Peer collaborators provided valuable feedback on early drafts.
50. She worked with many skilled collaborators on her research over the years.
51. Their collaboration resulted in groundbreaking discovery in their field.
52. The poet collaborated with a composer to create a libretto for an opera.
53. The architect collaborated closely with the client to understand their needs and vision for the new space.
54. The journalist found additional sources and collaborators to strengthen the story.
55. The researchers were close collaborators and regularly exchanged ideas and insights.
56. The historian reached out to experts in related fields as collaborators on the project.
57. The novelist collaborated with an editor to refine and strengthen the story.
58. Their academic collaboration resulted in over 10 coauthored publications.
59. The cofounders served as collaborators, partners in building the business from the ground up.
60. Their frequent collaborations allowed their creative visions to fuel each other.

Common Phases

1. Co-collaborator - Someone with whom you cooperate as joint collaborators.
2. Close collaborator - Someone you work very closely and intimately with as a collaborator.
3. Active collaborator - Someone who is engaged and participates fully as a collaborator.
4. Productive collaborator - Someone who helps produce good work and results as a collaborator.
5. Frequent collaborator - Someone you collaborate with often and repeatedly over time.
6. Long-time collaborator - Someone you have collaborated with for a long period of time.
7. Creative collaborator - Someone who helps contribute inspiration and new ideas in collaboration.
8. Willing collaborator - Someone who volunteers and is eager to collaborate with you.
9. Key collaborator - Someone who plays an essential role as one of your collaborators.

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